【同义词辨析】 2020-01-07 悲叹deplore-bemoan

deplore: implies strong objection or sorrowful condemnation regarding the loss or impairment of something of value: ~s the bad manners of today's young people.

lament: implies a strong and demonstrative expression of sorrow: never stopped ~ing the loss of their only son.  行动表示或证明

bewail: implies sorrow, disappointment, or protest finding outlet in loud words or cries: fans ~ed the defeat of their team.    (wail的意思是嚎啕,即发出高调的号啕声a prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger表示痛苦或不满,如Christopher let out a wail克里斯多佛发出了一阵号啕声,如the women began to wail in mourning女人们开始恸哭起来)

bemoan: suggests great lugubriousness in such utterances: purists continually ~ the corruption of the language. (moan呻吟悲叹a long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering,如the sick woman moaned那位生病的女人在呻吟,引申为悲叹,如he moaned his fate他悲叹自已的命运)   (lugubrious看起来或听起来悲哀忧郁looking or sounding sad and dismal,如a lugubrious look阴郁的面容)

deplore谴责痛惜: 指强烈反对谴责,因为丢弃损坏了有价值的事物,lament哀痛: 指用言行强烈地表达悲哀(如祥林嫂),bewail哀鸣号叫: 指大声号叫,表达失望悲伤,bemoan悲叹: 表示悲伤因而忧郁叹息

记忆方法: 1)首字母DLBB祥林嫂丢了宝宝<==悲叹   ”由构成,表示”违背心愿的现象”,如失望不满伤痛,”有声无泪曰悲”,如悲鸣悲叹悲愤悲伤; ””和悲同义,但除了表示,还表示悼念怜悯2种意思,如哀悼默哀表悼念,哀怜哀其不幸怜悯,即”哀”有3个意思。本意衣服上有个口有个洞,形容处境不顺利,如"诚知此恨人人有,贫贱夫妻百事哀",如"乐而不淫,而不伤",但现在本意很少用,常用以上3个意思

        2)悲叹的意思是表达悲伤mean to express grief or sorrow for something.   广雅: "悲,伤也", 说文: "悲,痛也",可见伤痛更基础的词,悲是伤痛在心里的表现 (sorrow悲伤强调内心而非表达mourn哀悼强调表达而非内心grief悲哀二者兼有,在2019-04-04 哀恸grieve-sorrow,只要记住mourn未必表示内心就可以了)